Story Elements and Retell

Story elements are the v components that brand upwards a story.  They are the characters, setting, plot, conflict and resolution.  These elements keep the story running smoothly and allow the action to develop in a logical mode that the reader can follow.

Retelling involves students orally reconstructing a story that they accept read or has been read to them.  A pupil's retell should include characters, settings, and events in the logical sequence of the story.

Story Structure/Elements

  • Question Sticks ("Who?"   "Where?"   "What happened?") – Write these three questions on popsicle sticks.  After reading a story, pull out a stick and have students partner share their responses.
  • Create a Story Structure Anchor Chart (pictured below) for students to reference.  As a follow up and cheque for understanding, create smaller charts on paper for students to independently complete in a small group center subsequently reading a story.

  • Transport your students on a "Story Structure Scavenger Hunt".  Apace type up a recording folio, asking them to detect Characters, Settings, and at to the lowest degree Iii Events.  Afterwards they have read a book, they can complete the Scavenger Hunt.

  • The Scavenger Hunt idea tin can also exist used for non-fiction texts, by having them locate text features.  (Create the recording page as above, simply take them "hunt" for Captions, Headings, Graphics, Charts/Maps, Glossary, Table of Contents, and Index).
  • Assistance your students with sequencing events in texts, by creating Sequencing Cards.  You tin either make a few copies of primary events from your current stories and accept students put them in club, or we have an Interactive Sequencing Center for you.  This heart comes with 8 stories that students are able to match pictures to text and read aloud.  They can also self-bank check to ensure that they are sequencing the story correctly.


  • The sequencing cards mentioned to a higher place are a great tool to help students retell a story.  Afterwards they put them in order, they can orally share the story, or record a few sentences on newspaper.  This is a great manner to check for understanding of text and get some writing into your small groups.
  • Another fun retelling project is to utilize a 12 ten 18 piece of construction paper and fold the bottom 3rd up to create a pocket.  Staple the ends, so that the pocket stays in place.  Take your students fold this new piece into thirds.  Give each educatee iii note cards and have them write a couple of sentences for the offset, centre, and end of a story.  The note cards are and then tucked into the pockets and students tin illustrate their sentences on the upper role of the construction paper.

  • Use a "5 Finger Retell".  Your thumb is the characters, index finger is the setting, center finger is the problem (beginning), ring finger is the middle events, and pinkie is the solution (ending).  To make information technology a trivial more fun for your students, they can trace their own hands and fill up in the parts.

  • Create a story board.  Take a sentence strip and have students describe pictures, write sentences, or both and mucilage vertically or horizontally along the judgement strip.  This is a great activity for students to partner share after completing.  Also a peachy speaking/listening standard tie in.

Interactive Retell

  • For a more physical approach, using a long slice of butcher paper, create a "Pathway" downwardly the center for students to walk along as they retell a story.  I recommend creating the pathway equally a class.  Along the path, have visual reminders of important pieces in a retell.  (Character, Setting, Events, Trouble, Solution)

Hope you were able to grab some tricks to use in the coming weeks! Let u.s.a. know in the comments if y'all accept any additional strategies to add to this listing!

-Written by Janessa Fletcher

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